
Pritunl VPN how will it be useful and why is it needed

Pritunl VPN is an application for creating and managing virtual private networks (VPNs), which is based on the OpenVPN open and secure protocol. Pritunl VPN allows you to connect to remote servers, cl...

FreeIPA: A Modern Solution for Identity and Authentication Management

In the world of modern information security, the management of identification and authentication of users and devices plays a key role. FreeIPA is a powerful tool that provides convenient and secure m...

Vuls Vulnerability Scanner: Improve The Security Of Your Systems

Security and vulnerability management systems are becoming increasingly important in today's digital world. Vuls Vulnerability Scanner is a powerful tool designed to detect vulnerabilities and improve...

Password Management with TeamPass: Overview, Advantages and Disadvantages

​​In the modern digital world, data security is one of the most important tasks for organizations and individuals. With the growing number of online services and applications, password management ...

Metasploit: A Powerful Tool for Security Testing

​Metasploit is a very popular security testing tool that can be deployed on your server. In this article, we will look at why Metasploit is needed, what advantages and disadvantages it has, and how ...