
What is RethinkDB and how it can be useful for you?

In a world of constantly evolving technologies and high-speed data, effective information management is becoming the cornerstone of a successful business. However, existing traditional database manage...

Podman - easy container management on your server

Podman is a modern container management tool that does not require a daemon and can work with or without superuser rights. Podman can be installed on your server and accessed via a web browser. In thi...

Plausible Analytics is an easy analytical solution for your server

Plausible Analytics is a simple, open and lightweight (< 1 KB) web analytics solution that is an alternative to Google Analytics. Plausible Analytics respects user privacy and does not use cookies ...

Drone CI is a great opportunity for developers on your server

Drone CI is a state-of-the-art continuous integration and delivery platform that allows busy development teams to automate their build, test, and release processes using a powerful, cloud-based pipeli...

Seafile how will it be useful on your server

Seafile is an open and cross-platform software for creating and managing cloud file storage, which allows you to share files and folders with other users via a web interface or mobile and desktop appl...