Which type of RAM is better?


There have been a lot of changes in the IT field recently. Now we will look at the main types of changes that relate to RAM.

What has changed? Which memory is better to buy? Where are the pitfalls?

Information about types of RAM


This type of memory can be safely called obsolete. It was released back in 2007 and in 2010 was able to completely eclipse DDR2. For many years, this type of memory has improved and it has been overclocked more and more, but it has limits, namely, the limits of the frequency of RAM and in this type the maximum limit is 2133 MHz (Officially) and 3200 or more MHz (unofficially).

Ten years later (2017), a new model of DDR4 RAM was released, which surpasses its ancestor.


A new kind of memory that came out not so long ago and had to completely bypass its predecessor. This type of memory is especially different in that it has a starting frequency of 2133 MHz and ends at 4400 MHz, but overclocked ones end at 4800 MHz. There is also a difference in the voltage that these types of memory use, the DDR4 voltage used is 1.2 Volts and the DDR3 memory is 1.5 Volts. This is not a particularly noticeable difference for a home computer (Except that DDR4 is less heated), but a very strong difference for the server.

Just three years after the release of DDR4, a new type of DDR5 memory was released, which is now very expensive due to its novelty and characteristics.


The newest type of memory that will definitely capture the entire market in the future. Its performance is impressive compared to DDR4. For example, the voltage it uses is only 1.1 volts, and the frequency starts at 4800 and currently ends at 6000 MHz. Thus it becomes clear that this type of memory bypasses its predecessor with a vengeance.

Let's make a small comparison of all three types of RAM and compare them to understand what is better to choose and use, as well as in which cases it is worth using this or that memory.


The voltage used is 1.5 V
Performance - from 830 to 3200 MHz

The voltage used is 1.2 V
Performance - from 2133 to 4800 MHz

The voltage used is 1.1 V
Performance - from 4800 to 6000 MHz

Looking at the data presented above, the following becomes clear:

However, there is a small catch that is connected specifically with DDR3 and DDR4, and this catch is as follows - if we take two data types of memory at the same frequency, for example, DDR3 2400 MHz and DDR4 2400 MHz, then the latter loses to the former. It's all about timing, namely that the design of DDR4 is arranged in such a way that its timing will be on a constant basis higher than that of DDR3.

Timing - The time for which the RAM writes, reads or performs an operation.

To make it more clear, I will explain: DDR3 - 9-9-9-24 (The first digit is writing, the second digit is reading, the third digit is performing an action, the fourth digit is the life cycle of all operations.)
The timing parameters are shown to us a little higher, but the DDR4 parameters are different. 9-10-10-24 It is because of such a seemingly insignificant parameter that DDR3 wins if they have the same frequency.

Which one is better to use?

After looking at the comparison of RAM, you probably still have a question, but what is better to buy and where to use?

The answer to this question is as follows: DDR3 RAM is already outdated and it is not worth buying, unless you are not going to use old processors. Since DDR4 is relevant only for processors from the 6th generation (Intel) and Ryzen (AMD), it will not work on older ones.

However, you need to understand that all the juices have been squeezed out of DDR3 and it is no longer better to do it, and if you are going to use demanding programs and the speed of your PC is important to you, then it is better to spend a little more money and buy DDR4.

Recently, DDR4-type RAM has become even a little cheaper than DDR3 because the latter is difficult to find.

As for DDR5, this is the newest type of memory, which is very expensive and its speed has not yet been fully disclosed. It doesn't make any sense to buy it now because it will require a completely new system to work on it, namely, you will need a 12th generation processor (Intel) and processors on the AM5 socket (AMD). It is better to wait a few years for the prices of RAM to fall, and it itself has become better and then it will be possible to buy it.


In this article, we have reviewed different types of RAM, compared them and understood which ones are better to buy and which ones to leave in the past. To summarize all the information listed above - if you have an old-style computer with a processor of less than 6 generation, then you should take DDR3, but my advice to you is to spend a little more money and change everything. A system that will run on DDR4 will be much faster and more pleasant, as well as less energy-consuming and you will have the opportunity not to update your PC or your server for at least 5-8 more years. Just after this amount of time, the new (at the moment) DDR5 memory will drop in price and you will be able to rebuild your computer.

If we are not talking about building a home PC, but about building a server, then I can advise you to build a server on DDR4 or DDR5. This will be an excellent solution due to their speed, as well as due to energy saving, because there is a difference between DDR3 1.5V and DDR4 1.2 V. It would seem that the difference is insignificant, but in the specification of the server 15V is very much.