Comparison of the three best distributions

Linux is an operating system with a large number of distributions (more than several hundred). This operating system is very simple and most often easy for the user to understand, and its whole charm lies in the fact that users independently create their own distribution. Of course, you can always buy a ready-made distribution and use it (I'm talking about private specially designed interfaces), but it's much better to understand how everything works from the command line and assemble your own unique system design.
What types of distributions are the most popular? Why do many people prefer Ubuntu? And also what other versions of linux should I use? I will now give you an answer to these questions.
The old man, which is the most popular and simplest of all distributions. It is used by beginners (and many experienced users) since it is easy to work with, it is constantly updated, and its number of users exceeds 20 million users, which is why you will be able to find an answer (most likely) to any question on the forums. Using this system will allow you to constantly modify it, easily access any necessary information.
Of the advantages, we note the following:
- Constant updates
- you can install a clean version or already with pre-installed applications and design
- a large user base
- the ability to use different versions (which are updated at least once a year).
Cons: Unusual interface for those who use Windows (Not so critical because you can get used to it in a couple of hours)
Conclusion: This type of distribution is great for use to this day. If suddenly you are a new user of a Linux system, then you should pay attention to this distribution because it will allow you to familiarize yourself with the functionality in detail and understand exactly how this OS works. It is also perfect for experienced users who need a stable system (for example, to create a game server) or for easy work with databases and other things.
Probably the most stable of all possible distributions and Ubuntu is based on it. Updates are released every few years, and they are more long-term than in Ubuntu, which is why it is most often installed on servers (But you are allowed to install it on your home PC) Since Ubuntu is based on this distribution, you can install most of the programs on it. Support is provided by the community, it is more difficult to configure than its child and probably this is the best distribution for the server.
- High level of stability
- durability of the system due to high-quality (rare) updates
- you can install everything the same as on Ubuntu
Cons: It's harder to customize for yourself than Ubuntu
Conclusion: Do you need a system on the server that will last for a long time and you don't want to worry about having to be updated frequently? In this case, Debian is your choice, the system will allow you not to update for a long time, and you will also be able to find answers to your questions on the forums.
The third place in popularity with this handsome man. Unfortunately, but it can be safely called outdated (Although many still use it) in the near future, this distribution will cease to be so popular because CentOS has turned into a laboratory where new features of this OS are being explored. The support period for this system is very long (about 10 years), but Red Hat Linux stops supporting, for example, CentOS 8 (Discontinued) CentOS 7 in 2024. Next, there will be only CentOS Stream on which updates for Red Hat Enterprise Linux are tested. In short, the system is good, but it doesn't make sense to put it on a new server anymore.
Pros: A large amount of information on the Internet, a long support period (about 10 years)
Cons: This distribution turns into a laboratory for exploring new features, which makes no sense to install on a new server.
Conclusion: It is worth accepting the fact that some distributions are coming to an end and CentOS is probably one of them. In this case, you can try to hold out for some more time on it, or else accept the fact that it should leave with dignity and use the new OS.
Linux is one of the most famous operating systems for working both with servers and on a personal computer. This OS is very easy to configure and wide in functionality, which is why many companies, and just users use it with pleasure. As I indicated earlier, each of the distributions (I indicated only the three most popular ones) has its pros and cons, but which one is better?
If you are new to this OS, then try to work with Ubuntu, it is the simplest and most understandable version that even a person who has no idea what IT is can handle. After you have spent some time in this version, try switching to others, for example, Debian because it is more difficult to set up and work with, but you can install the same applications.
If you are an advanced user, then my opinion will not play a big role for you because you have most likely found a suitable version of Linux for yourself. However, do not forget that improvements are always possible, and therefore I recommend trying the same Ubuntu or Debian if you have not used them before. It's always worth trying something new, and of course do not forget about the old, and therefore try also to work with CentOS because it also has its advantages and nuances, which will be interesting to understand.
To make it easy for you to set up everything, you can use our services, we have enough to rent or assemble a server and there you can safely switch from one version of Linux to another without any hassle.