dedicated server

Servers and their business benefits

A server is a powerful computer that stores, processes and transmits information over a network. Servers are used for various purposes: from creating and maintaining websites and online stores to orga...

Evolution Email Client: what is it and why is it needed?

IntroductionE-mail is one of the most popular and important ways of communication in the modern world. It allows you to share messages, files, photos, documents and other information with people aroun...

Why do I need Nethogs and is it worth trying?

Nethogs is a free and open source program for Linux that allows you to track network traffic usage by processes. Unlike most tools that break down traffic by protocols or subnets, Nethogs groups traff...

AppArmor on your server is a protection worth trying

IntroductionAppArmor is a security system that allows you to restrict access and behavior of applications on your server. AppArmor works based on profiles that determine which files, network ports, sy...

Which is better: your own server or web hosting?

IntroductionIf you want to create your own website or application, then you need to choose where you will place it. There are two main options: your own server or web hosting. Each of them has its adv...