The best Server Control panels

To make it convenient to work with the server, you will need a control panel(CP). There can be many server/host control panels, and we will analyze several of them. Let's see which control panel should be installed, which control panels are available in principle. We will look at both free control panels that may be useful to you, and paid ones and analyze which one, when it is better to use. There will be several panels on our site that are easy to install and interact with.
Free control panels
Free control panel, very easy to use and install. It will allow you to track the operation of the server, configure the mailbox and other functions. It is multi-lingual and will allow you to easily add an SSL certificate to your server (integrated Let's Encrypt), install applications on the server, even CMS and many other functions. Although this control panel is free, you can always pay a small amount and get additional plugins that will help you configure the server operation in even more detail.
It works on Linux OS (Ubuntu 12.04-18.10, Debian 7,8,9, CentOS 5,6,7) Installing this CP on newer versions is possible, but probably some functions will not be available.
This CP is installed on a clean server without installed software.
A control panel based on Vesta. The developers took the VestaCP functionality and added new features, this CP is constantly supported by developers and the community. The functions remain the same, but some new ones have also been added, for example, support for a new generation of PHP, a full-fledged file manager, and also supports newer OS versions.
Linux Ubuntu 18.04-20.04, Debian 9-10.
A control panel that has a wider range of capabilities. For example, registration of user accounts with certain capabilities, automatic installation of free certificates from Let's Encrypt, backup settings, antivirus.
Supported only on CentOS.
ISP Config
Probably the most popular free CP for VPS. This control panel will allow you to manage several virtual and physical servers simultaneously, has an antivirus, migration tools, and will also allow you to individually configure the PHP of each site.
Supported OSLinux Ubuntu; Debian; CentOS; Fedora
Paid control panels
Probably one of the most popular and best CP. This is free for the first 15 days, and then you will have to purchase it. However, these 15 days are more than enough for you to understand that she is worth her money. This control panel is an insanely powerful tool for working with the server and allows you to publish a website, create an email. Mail, calendars and many other functions. Installing this control panel is insanely easy and involves only a couple of commands and waiting around 30-45 minutes (taking into account the server update). During installation, the PU will install itself on the server and configure everything necessary for operation.
It runs on Linux (RHEL, CentOS), Windows (Via virtualization).
A paid control panel that provides many functions for managing the server. There is a limited version (Cheap) that will give you the opportunity to work with the server. In fact, the capabilities of this CP are very impressive, but only if you are willing to pay the price.
It has a user account management system, runs on CentOS, Ubuntu, RedHat, Debian, and also has two-factor authorization.
Commercial control panel. It is universal because it works not only under Linux OS, but it can also be installed on Windows Server. It can be considered a great advantage that the supports various software, for example, Node.js; Git, etc. It will provide you with full control over all server components and a user-friendly interface, and the price will depend on the number of sites that need to be supported.
Which panel is better to use?
Although there are a lot of panels, it is not always possible to understand what is better to use on your server. Of course, everything is individual here, but you can get used to any interface over time. I recommend that you use the CP in certain conditions, for example, if you own a small website and you need a control panel for your hosting, then use a free version. This will allow you to get acquainted with how they work and are arranged in principle, and also will not require extra costs. However, if you want to use only one specific PU in the future, it is better to install a paid control panel.
There is a certain advantage in paid CP and this is support from developers. That is, if you have any problems with it, then you will not have to wait for a long time for a response from the support service. As a rule, paid services are always better served than free ones, and hosting control panels are no exception.
Also, it will always be more convenient for you to work with one specific control panel than to constantly change different ones, so if you have found some that is convenient for you and with its help you can easily configure the necessary server components, then use it.
As a recommendation, I can advise you to install Cpanel on your server. 15 days will be provided to you for free, and the rest is already on a paid basis. But these 15 days are enough to make sure that this control panel is an insanely powerful tool that will help you track server statistics, as well as configure websites and so on.
Each server requires constant monitoring and monitoring. This is hard to do without additional programs, especially for beginners who do not know how to work with the command line. That is why there are control panels that have a graphical shell and will help the user configure everything that is necessary for stable operation. Some control panels include a command line that will allow an advanced user to work in it, and a graphical shell will suit beginners. Advice for all users who have recently purchased hosting – install the CP and work with it. That's when it will be easy for the user to understand how the server works and what can be done with it.
And if you need cheap hosting, I recommend that you review our prices.