Using Suricata on your system

Earlier, we discussed aspects of Internet security, a lot was said about utilities for monitoring your system and how to protect yourself and your system. Today we will raise the topic of security again and talk about Suricata.
What is Suricata?
Suricata is a utility that includes the implementation of IDS, IPS, NSM. This means that it has an intrusion detection and prevention system, as well as monitoring. All together, this utility makes it very useful not only for the system administrator, but also for ordinary users who are worried about their security.
What operating systems does it support?
This software supports all popular operating systems, such as Windows, Linux (Almost all repositories), Mac and others. Moreover, it can be installed as an add-on for some systems.
Suricata was created by the developers who created Snort, but it has clear advantages over the latter. These include the following
- High performance
- Multitasking
- Using GPU in IDS mode
- Full support for Snort rules
- Automatic protocol detection
These advantages play a significant role when switching from Snort.
The principle of operation
This utility analyzes traffic on a given number of network interfaces and acts according to the established rules. This is a very brief description of how Suricata works, namely IPS.
Installation method
On the topic of installation, we shot a video that is on our YouTube channel.
Suricata is a flexible tool developed primarily for the purpose of creating new methods and methods that ensure security, and secondly for security. Using Suricata will allow you not just to protect yourself, but to come up with a new technology that can be used to ensure security.