Symfony PHP Framework on your server: what is it and why do you need this framework?

If you are developing web applications in PHP, then you probably have come across the need to use some kind of framework, that is, a set of tools and libraries that simplify and speed up your work. The framework helps you organize the structure and architecture of your application, implement basic functions such as routing, security, validation, caching, etc., as well as integrate with different services and databases.
One of the most popular and powerful frameworks for PHP is Symfony, a web-based, open and free solution for creating modern and professional web applications. In this article we will tell you what Symfony is, what advantages and disadvantages it has, how it can be useful in business, where and by whom it is used, why it is worth using it and how to install it on your server.
What is Symfony?
Symfony is a framework for PHP that allows you to create web applications of any complexity and scale. Symfony is based on the principles of MVC (Model-View-Controller), that is, dividing the application logic into three layers: model (working with data), view (displaying data) and controller (processing requests). Symfony also follows the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) philosophy, that is, avoiding code repetition, and KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), that is, the simplicity and clarity of the code.
Symfony consists of several components that can be used independently of each other or together. Symfony components are reusable PHP libraries that solve common tasks in the development of web applications, for example, working with HTTP requests and responses, configuration, events, forms, validation, security, translation, serialization, etc. You can connect Symfony components to any PHP application or use other frameworks or libraries with them.
In addition to components, Symfony provides a set of bundles, which are plugins for the framework. Symfony bundles are sets of files and resources that add new functions or extend existing functions of the framework. For example, there are bundles for working with databases (Doctrine), template engines (Twig), mail (Swiftmailer), API (FOSRestBundle), authentication (FOSUserBundle), etc. You can use ready-made bundles from the official catalog1 or create your own bundles.
Symfony is not just a framework, but an entire ecosystem for developing web applications. Symfony provides you not only with tools and libraries, but also standards, best practices, documentation, support, and community. You can learn from experienced developers, share knowledge and experience, get help and advice, participate in projects and invest in the development of the framework.
What advantages and disadvantages does Symfony have?
Symfony has a number of advantages over other frameworks for PHP:
- Performance and optimization. Symfony is one of the fastest and most optimized frameworks for PHP. Symfony uses efficient algorithms and techniques to reduce resource consumption and increase the speed of the application. For example, Symfony uses caching, compilation, lazy loading, and other mechanisms to speed up code loading and execution. You can also configure different parameters of the framework to further optimize your application.
- Flexibility and customizability. Symfony is one of the most flexible and customizable frameworks for PHP. You can use Symfony as a full-fledged stack framework or as a microframe, depending on your needs and preferences. You can choose the components and bundles that you need, or use other libraries or frameworks together with Symfony. You can also customize any aspect of the framework, such as configuration, routing, security, services, events, etc.
- Quality and reliability. Symfony is one of the most high-quality and reliable frameworks for PHP. Symfony is developed and maintained by the professional SensioLabs2 team, which monitors the quality of the code, testing, documentation and security of the framework. Symfony also has a large community of developers and users who contribute to improving the framework, fixing bugs, creating new features and bundles. Symfony releases regular updates and maintains backward compatibility between versions.
- Training and support. Symfony is one of the most teachable and supported frameworks for PHP. Symfony has detailed and up-to-date documentation3, which covers all aspects of working with the framework from installation to advanced topics. You can also find many resources for Symfony training, such as books, video tutorials, courses, blogs, podcasts, etc. You can also get help and advice from other Symfony users on forum4, Slack5, Stack Overflow6 or other platforms.
Symfony also has some drawbacks:
- Complexity and exactingness. Symfony is a rather complex framework that requires certain knowledge and skills to install, configure and use. You must have access to a Linux or Docker server, be able to work with the command line, Nginx or Apache web server, PostgreSQL or MySQL database, etc. You should also keep an eye on Symfony updates and install them on time.
- Limitations and incompatibility. Symfony is a relatively new product that does not yet have all the features and capabilities that you may need to develop web applications. For example, Symfony does not support working with NoSQL databases, WebSocket protocol, GraphQL query language, etc. You may also encounter Symfony compatibility issues with other services or frameworks.
How do I install Symfony on my server?
If you decide to use Symfony on your server, then you need to follow these steps:
Select the appropriate server to install Symfony on. It is recommended to use a server with a Linux operating system (Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS) or Docker. You also need to make sure that the server has enough disk space (at least 15 GB), RAM (at least 8 GB) and processor power (at least 4 cores).
Watch the video on our YouTube channel there is a complete installation guide!
Conclusion about Symfony
Symfony is a great framework for your business that allows you to create web applications of any complexity and scale using the best programming practices and standards. With Symfony, you can improve the quality and speed of web application development, optimize the development and testing processes of web applications, reduce the cost of developing and maintaining web applications and increase competitiveness and reputation in the market.